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Manual install Nubuntu

21 April 2010
tasdawg of the nUbuntu forums posted an alternative installation method as the Ubiquity-method failed. Note that this method is only tested with nUbuntu 6.10. Step one - preparing the hard drive. Boot up the disk and just stay at the main screen Note that you do not have type [nubuntu@nubuntu] in the following commands.
Next I started up fdisk and did a partition of my hard drive. This step can be done with gParted, or any other partitioning tool outside of nUbuntu as well.
[nubuntu@nubuntu] sudo fdisk /dev/hda

I set up making 3 partition tables. 1: Linux - Main OS 2: Linux - Storage 3: Linux Swap
I formatted 1 and 2 partitions with mkfs.ext3
[nubuntu@nubuntu] sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 && sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda2
Then login as root.
[nubuntu@nubuntu] su - passwd: [leave blank]
Create mount point & mount the hda1
[root@nubuntu] mkdir /tmp/hda1 && mount /dev/hda1 /tmp/hda1
Now start copying th files ... P.S: don't copy mnt, tmp, proc or cdrom
[root@nubuntu] cp -R {/bin,/dev,/home,/lib,/opt,/sbin,/usr,/boot,/etc,/initrd,/srv,/tools,/var,/root,/sys} /tmp/hda1 && mkdir /tmp/hda1/mnt && mkdir /tmp/hda1/tmp && mkdir /tmp/hda1/proc

You now have to install the bootloader.
Staying as root - you have to make hda1 your root dir, install grub and you're done....
First, create the folder 'grub' in 'boot' & copy all files from /lib/grub/i386-pc/ to there
[root@nubuntu] mkdir /tmp/hda1/boot/grub && cp -R /lib/grub/i386-pc /tmp/hda1/boot/grub
Now for the fun part
[root@nubuntu] chroot /tmp/hda1
[root@nubuntu] grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

You will then need to make a boot menu for grub as the default one has a lot of other unnecessary code in it. My menu.lst looks like this:
title Linux 0,0
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1
initrd /boot/initrd.img
Re-run these sets of commands again:
[root@nubuntu] chroot /tmp/hda1
[root@nubuntu] grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
Now you should have a working grub and nUbuntu on your hard drive.
Ubiquity and Manual Grub Install
Another method of installing nUbuntu is to install ubiquity as described above. After you get the error about grub not installing run grub-install to install it manually as root like so:
sudo su -
grub-install --root-directory=/target hd0
Now you need to create a menu.lst in /target/boot/grub/
Mine looks like this:
title nUbuntu 8.04 alpha
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/hda1 ro
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic
Done. Now reboot without the CD and enjoy nUbuntu.
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